Security is our absolute #1 priority. URGIENT was engineered from the ground up for security, scale, speed, resiliency, and durability.

Application Layers

URGIENT's "application layers" are auto provisioned across multiple datacenters to accommodate virtually any size load, while also providing strong operational redundancy. If additional resources are required, new resources are instantly spun up (in milliseconds). Additional datacenters can be brought on-line within moments.

Data Layer

URGIENT's data layer represents the cutting edge in reliability. We replicate paging data across 3 data centers, in real time, with each datacenter maintaining 2 complete live copies of the data. Additional databases in additional datacenters can be brought on-line in moments.
Confidentiality / Integrity
All data is strongly encrypted, both at rest and in transit.
Data Locations
All data is stored in our world class, secure datacenters.

Data is NEVER stored on user devices. Period.
Use your authentication system with SAML2.0, our authentication system or both.

Device registration provides secure frictionless access to pages at the moment they are needed.
URGIENT leverages a 'defense in depth architecture', incorporating a 'least privileges' permissioning model and secure coding best practices.
Audit / Visibility
Page Audit Logs
Page Audit Logs are directly accessible from within a Page. See the full history of the Page including (but not limitted to) submissions, views, status changes, notes, escalations, etc... all entries show the responsible / target party.
Reporting on user activity, failed logins, device registrations, bulk administration, etc... URGIENT provides clear access to the happenings of the system.
Department Oncall Inboxes
Provides a shared, fully detailed view of all pages sent to the department's oncall service. Besides the benefit of oversight, these shared views provide for quick and efficient shift changes, ensuring "nothing falls through cracks".
Datacenter Certifications


Our datacenter partner is certified to the following standards:

ISO 27001:2013
ISO 27017:2015
ISO 27018:2014
ISO 9001:2015
Service Organization Controls (SOC) 1
Service Organization Controls (SOC) 2
Service Organization Controls (SOC) 3
PSN Connection Compliance Certificate (CoCo)
PCI DSS Attestation of Compliance (AOC) and Responsibility
BioPhorum IT Control Implementation Responsibilities

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"SECTEGRITY", "Allow No Harm", "URGIENT" and "SecurePaging" are Registered Trademarks of SECTEGRITY Corporation
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