HIPAA Compliance
We worry (more like obsess) about HIPAA, so you don't have to.
We have you covered
We offer a standard Business Associate Agreement, without charge.
Data Locations
All data is stored in our world class, secure datacenters.

Data is NEVER stored on user devices.

No worring about reporting lost devices or managing unknown backup locations.
Covered Interfaces
Our API, WebPortal, VoiceMail and WebForm interfaces are all covered by our BAA.

The use of the E-mail interface for PHI is excluded from our BAA due to the nature of email and customer needs.
For us, HIPAA is a minimum standard. URGIENT was built for security, scale, speed, resiliency and durability.

Datacenter Certifications

Our datacenter partner is certified to the following standards:

ISO 27001:2013
ISO 27017:2015
ISO 27018:2014
ISO 9001:2015
Service Organization Controls (SOC) 1
Service Organization Controls (SOC) 2
Service Organization Controls (SOC) 3
PSN Connection Compliance Certificate (CoCo)
PCI DSS Attestation of Compliance (AOC) and Responsibility
BioPhorum IT Control Implementation Responsibilities
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Security and Compliance
HIPAA Compliance
Operational Efficiencies
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Business Continuity
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"SECTEGRITY", "Allow No Harm", "URGIENT" and "SecurePaging" are Registered Trademarks of SECTEGRITY Corporation
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