OnCall Services
URGIENT enables organizations to provide the highest quality, most efficient oncall services.
Some Highlights
Built-in Scheduler
No need to purchase and integrate a third party scheduler. URGIENT provides its own robust scheduler.
Users are reminded of un-read pages. Reminders are configurable by both time between reminders and maximium number of reminders to send.
Call Levels
URGIENT supports primary, secondary and tertiary call levels.
Auto Escalations
Automatically escalate oncall pages to the next call level if a user is either temporarily unavailable or hasn't read the page within a configurable window.
Page Audit Logs
Page Audit Logs are directly accessible from within a Page. See the full history of the Page including (but not limitted to) submissions, views, status changes, notes, escalations, etc... all entries show the responsible / target party.
Department Oncall Inboxes
Provides a shared, fully detailed view of all pages sent to the department's oncall service. Besides the benefit of oversight, these shared views provide for quick and efficient shift changes, ensuring "nothing falls through cracks".
Device Registration
Users have fast, secure, frictionless access to their pages, at the moment they need it.
Group departments to create multi-department response teams. Each embedded department maintains its own oncall schedule and reminder/escalation policies.
Service Examples

Medical OnCall

HIPAA Compliant, secure and reliable. Patients can call (or be routed to) an URGIENT voicemail box, hear your custom greeting, and leave their message. The Medical Provider oncall will be paged, with the full voicemail embedded in the page. URGIENT offers a more cost effective, more accurate, more reliable and more complete alternative to traditional answering services.

Coordinated Response

Use URGIENT's Groups to build multi-department response teams.

A hospital creates an 'Emergency C-Section' group which contains the Anesthesia, OBGYN, OR Nursing, OR Tech, and OR Coordinator departments. When there is an emergency C-Section, a page to the Emergency C-Section group will send pages to the On-Call personnel for each department in the group as well as any individuals defined in the group.

IT Operations

Send AWS, GCP, Azure, or any other system's alerts, via E-mail or an API call, to URGIENT for routing to the appropriate department's on-call personnel for immediate action.

Internal Support

It's 2am and your Vice President of sales, who is pitching a strategic client in the morning, can't access a necessary IT resource. Your VP simply pages the IT Support Department and help will be on its way.

Premium Customer Support

Provide the quality that retains customers. Voicemail boxes or hosted webforms allow your customers to reach you for help, at the time when they need you most.
Site Map

Security and Compliance
HIPAA Compliance
Operational Efficiencies
Purpose Built
Business Continuity
On-Call Services
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"SECTEGRITY", "Allow No Harm", "URGIENT" and "SecurePaging" are Registered Trademarks of SECTEGRITY Corporation
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